Screenwriter Starlet Joke- Explain The Joke And Scenerio

Screenwriter Starlet Joke- Explain The Joke And Scenerio

Are you interested in knowing about the Screenwriter’s Joke? If you haven’t heard that joke yet and come to this post to learn relevant information about it, then this post is for you.

The Screenwriter’s joke has started a discussion on the internet and people are talking about it. Some netizens and other users are offended because of the joke and others are also part of the discussion whether the joke is appropriate for a movie or not.

So, let’s begin the post and discuss Screenwriter and Starlet Joke.

What Is The Context Of Screenwriter And Starlet Joke?

Did you watch Netflix’s Horror movie, Mr Harrigan?  In the movie, a character named Harrigan tells a joke to Craig (A person who wants to become a screenwriter) that “There is a starlet so dumb that she slept with the screenwriter in hopes of advancing her career”. The joke has a deeper meaning than you might think after its first reading.

Why Did Harrigan Make This Joke?

Harrigan was against the decision of Craig becoming a screenwriter. He gave a task to Craig to find the joke and understand the motive behind the disapproval of his will to become a screenwriter and follow it as a profession.

What Is The Background OF Screenwriter And Starlet Joke?

The Joke is based on the time of the 20th century when screenwriters possessed an influential yet good for noting power in the Hollywood film industry. They write stories but don’t get recognition and have no authority in the filmmaking process. The screenwriters used to work and sell their stories for money. It is shown as a profession without any authoritative power in the movie.

Why Harrigan Made A Screenwriter Starlight Joke?

Harrigan was a man with old thinking and belief that any profession without authority is not worthy of following. At that time, the screenwriter had no power in the filmmaking process and Starlet slept with a screenwriter for the gain in her career, which made Harrigan draft a joke on her.

Was Harrigan Right About The Joke?

In my view, the joke was right for the time being, but in today’s scenario, it might not fit well as the industry has grown so much and we have many famous screenwriters known for their excellent stories and big vision.

At Last

We write his article to deliver the relevant information to our readers who are keen to know about the Screenwriter and Starlet Joke.

The joke has become a point of discussion and we would like to know your thoughts as well. If you want to share your thoughts on the Screenwriter and Starlet joke, feel free to do so.

Will Smith

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