Length Calculator 101: Common Conversion Formulas To Know

Length calculators can save you time in everyday life, whether you’re trying to figure out how much carpet you need to cover your floors or the length of wire you need to complete your project.
A length calculator is handy if you need to convert between different units of measurement, such as centimeters and inches, meters and miles, or pounds and ounces.
As there are so many different units of measurement, converting between these units can be complicated – but don’t worry!
Convert Inches to Feet and Inches
Length calculator has all the formulas you need to convert from one length unit to another. For example, if you’re converting inches to feet and inches, multiply by 12 and divide by 3. Or maybe you want to calculate how many yards are in a mile?
Take 5280, divide it by 440 and then divide it again by 3. There are conversion formulas for lengths of meters, kilometers, miles, kilometers per hour, kilometers per second – virtually any units of length you could need!
Convert Millimeters to Centimeters
As a general rule, centimeters are used in international measurements, and millimeters are used for domestic measurements. If you want to convert from one to the other, there are two formulas that you can use.
The first is to multiply by 100 and then divide by 25. For example, 50mm x 100 = 5000 ÷ 25 = 200cm. The second formula is to multiply by 25 and then divide by 100. For example, 50mm x 25 = 1250 ÷ 100 = 12cm .
One way to remember which conversion formula to use is with the phrase multiply-divide or divide-multiply. If multiplying and dividing by 100, it’s best to use the first conversion formula.
However, if you’re multiplying and dividing by 25, it’s best to use the second conversion formula.
Convert Miles to Kilometers
Another common conversion is miles to kilometers to kilometers. To convert a distance in miles to kilometers, divide the number of miles by 1.6, and then multiply the result by 10. For example, if you want to convert 50 miles into kilometers, divide 50 by 1.6 (to get 25) and multiply it by 10 (to get 250).
If you are converting kilometers to miles, divide the number of kilometers by 0.6 and then multiply that by 10. Continuing with the previous example, if we wanted to convert 250 kilometers into miles, you would divide 250 by 0.6 (getting 500) and multiply that by 10 (getting 5000).
Convert Meters to Yards
The meters to yards conversion formula is fairly simple. Multiply the number of meters by 0.3048 and then divide by 3. So, a 5-meter object converts to 1.52796636 yards (5 x 0.3048 = 1.5312 and then divided by 3).
A 10-meter object converts to 3.064716699 yards (10 x 0.3048 = 3.0717 and then divided by 3). And so on until the desired length has been reached!
Convert Cubic Meters to Gallons
A length calculator can also convert cubic meters to gallons. One liter is equal to one quart, which is equal to four pints, which is equal to eight cups. Convert the cubic meter number into liters, convert those liters into quarts, convert those quarts into pints, and finally convert those pints into cups.
There are two ways to do this conversion in a length calculator:
a) enter 1 in for the length, enter 1000 for the width, and hit calculate; or
b) enter 1/4 for the width. If you’re converting cubic meters to gallons using either of these methods, you should get 200 gallons.
Discussed above are the common conversions that you might need to know. However, there are other conversion formulas that you should be aware of as well.
These include converting feet and inches to centimeters and millimeters, converting pounds and ounces to grams, converting Fahrenheit to Celsius degrees, and more.