5 Tips For Taking Your Toddler Hiking With You

Now that your kiddo is a little older, you’re ready to introduce them to hiking. As a curious toddler, they’ll enjoy exploring the great outdoors with you. You just need a few things to prevent your tiny tot from getting cranky.
You probably already have a game plan to avoid potential temper tantrums, but you’ll need more than your usual routine for a hike. To keep your toddler engaged, you’ll want to have some items ready in the case of the unexpected. Beyond your first aid kit, your water bottle, and some sunscreen, what else do you need?
You’ll want to ensure that you have the right equipment to take with you, such as a toddler hiking backpack, to keep your toddler comfortable. With creativity and planning, your hike with your toddler can go great! Of course, you know your toddler best, but if you’re looking for fresh ideas, here are five tips for taking your toddler hiking.
1. Pack Snacks And Water
First and foremost, make sure that your toddler is ready to go on snacks! It takes tons of energy to hike through the wilderness (or at least the easy hiking path you’ve chosen). Your little one will need to refuel with a tasty snack. Be sure to bring tons of water so you and your little one can stay hydrated.
2. Wear The Right Shoes
Even though your toddler will rest in a toddler hiking backpack, you want to ensure that their time spent walking with you is comfortable. Shop for supportive hiking shoes for your toddler, and make sure your shoes are comfortable too! After all, you’ll be the one walking the whole time.
3. Pick The Right Path
Toddlers can be unpredictable. Since hiking together is a new adventure, play it safe, pick a hiking path that isn’t too long, and bring your toddler hiking backpack. You never know if your toddler will get tired. Plus, if they enjoy hiking, they might want to continue! You can always hike for longer if you pick a shorter path from the start.
4. Get A Toddler Hiking Backpack
Invest in a high-quality toddler hiking backpack to make the hiking process easier. This way, your toddler has a place to rest while you continue hiking. They’ll see the trail from a whole new perspective and, perhaps, get even more enjoyment out of your hike together.
5. Play Games While Hiking
To keep your little tike motivated to hike, play games with them while hiking like “eye spy,” and perhaps, collect pinecones or rocks to start a collection. You can also sing songs together and make up your games. Anything to keep your little one engaged!
Plan Ahead For A Successful Hike With Your Toddler
For a successful hike with your toddler, consider the suggestions above and be sure to purchase a toddler hiking backpack. If you plan, you’ll get where you need to go with ease and enjoyment from this new bonding experience.