Women and men who are bothered by hyperpigmentation or sun damage on their skin may be excellent candidates for Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy at Comprehensive Medical Aesthetics. IPL Photofacial treatment with Alma Harmony XL PRO is a non-invasive rejuvenation treatment for the skin on the face and neck. Dr. Rudolph Moise uses intense pulses of light to stimulate the natural regeneration process and increase collagen production.

Over time, you should see a healthier, more even complexion with fewer skin imperfections such as hyperpigmentation, red spots, sun damage and broken capillaries. During a consultation at our North Miami, FL, practice, we can perform a skin assessment to determine if this option can help renew your skin.

What is the cost of IPL?
Every patient is unique, which means the cost of IPL treatment will depend on your individual condition. At your consultation, Dr. Moise can estimate the price of your treatment and explain how many sessions are needed to optimize your results.

How fast are the results of IPL treatment?
Improvements can be seen after just one Harmony XL PRO IPL treatment, but the best results are usually visible about a month after your last treatment. It is normal for your skin to react differently after each treatment. You may experience mild, temporary side effects, such as swelling, redness, bruising, blistering or crusting. These symptoms should subside within 2 to 3 days.

Why should I have multiple IPL treatments?
Multiple IPL treatments with Harmony XL PRO are recommended to achieve a natural looking improvement in skin texture. Each treatment helps to reduce surface irregularities such as melasma and brown spots. Multiple sessions also produce longer lasting aesthetic results.


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