How To Spot Alcoholism: 5 Warning Signs To Look For

How To Spot Alcoholism: 5 Warning Signs To Look For

Alcohol abuse is a serious problem in society today. The Center for Disease Control reports that nearly 25% of adults drink excessively or binge drink at least once per week. Alcohol abuse has become a major public health concern because of its negative impact on the body.

If left untreated, alcohol abuse can cause long-term damage to the brain, heart, liver, pancreas, and other organs. Other consequences of excessive drinking include accidents, domestic violence, loss of employment, child neglect, family conflict, and even death.

Alcoholic beverages contain ethanol, a chemical compound that affects the central nervous system. Alcohol is a depressant drug that affects the body by slowing down its functions. If your loved one is suffering from alcohol addiction, there are lots of alcohol recovery programs that can help. But first, you need to determine whether they have an alcoholism problem. These five warning signs can help you identify alcoholism before it is too late.

1. Poor Performance at Work

When a person begins heavy or regular drinking, their work suffers a huge blow since they cannot perform optimally. So, if your loved one is late for work frequently or doesn’t show up because they have been drinking alcohol, it’s a warning sign that they have an alcoholism problem.

As a result, they may be fired from their workplaces due to low concentration and poor performance. Therefore, getting your loved one to enroll in an alcohol recovery program for immediate help is necessary.

2. Irritability and Mood Swings

An alcoholic experiences withdrawal systems when they don’t drink alcohol, causing high levels of irritability. So, if they easily snap or get angry, it could be the withdrawal symptoms. So, enroll them in an alcohol recovery program immediately.

3. Loss of Interest in Activities they Once Enjoyed

If you notice your loved one isn’t as excited about events they enjoy, like swimming, and instead choose alcohol-related activities like clubbing, they could be on the verge of alcoholism. Neglecting family commitments, hobbies, and financial responsibilities because they went drinking is a key warning sign, and it may be time to check out alcohol recovery programs near you.

4. Drinking Too Much Alcohol

Depending on a person’s body weight and gender, moderate drinking refers to drinking less than two drinks daily. Some users become alcohol-tolerant, making them need more alcohol intake to reach a specific desired outcome. A major alcoholism warning sign is a significant increment in this alcohol amount. If the person begins binge drinking or drinking often and in large quantities, they may have developed an alcoholism problem and need to enroll in one of the alcohol recovery programs in your area.

5. Physical Changes

Heavy drinkers exhibit physical signs of alcoholism like rapid weight loss, tiredness, irregular sleep patterns like sleeplessness, shaking or sweating because of withdrawal symptoms or hangover, and general untidiness.


Alcohol abuse should not be ignored. Although alcoholism ranges from heavy drinking (binge) to mild intoxication (hangover) to full-blown dependency, it is important to seek help immediately and enroll your loved one in an alcohol recovery program for professional help or intervention before the problem worsens.

Will Smith

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